Iron County Court House logo

Register of Deeds


2 South Sixth Street – Suite 11
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
Fax: 906-875-0658


Amy Donati

Deputy Register of Deeds

Adrienne Doerr


Accounting Clerk

      Matt Christensen




The Register of Deeds is the official recording office for all land records in Iron County. The Register of Deeds is a constitutional office established by the Michigan State Legislature as the custodian of legal documents pertaining to real property. In Iron County the Register of Deeds and County Clerk positions were combined in January 2017 resulting in one Clerk/Register. We record over 200 types of documents including Warranty Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Land Contracts, Mortgages, Releases, Powers of Attorney, Liens, Oil & Gas Leases, etc. (read more)

Please note: This office DOES NOT PREPARE DOCUMENTS and DOES NOT ANSWER LEGAL QUESTIONS.  We do simple searches only—we do not provide title searches. Please contact an attorney if you need legal assistance, or your local title company for assistance with in-depth searches.

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to provide accurate information, however, the Iron County Register of Deeds specifically disclaims any responsibility for incompleteness or inaccuracy and advises the requesting party to seek the assistance of legal counsel or a title company to assure completeness and accuracy.


Iron County is pleased to annouce a safety measure available to Iron County property owners to help combat the increased occurrence of real estate fraud.  A property Fraud Alert system is available through the Iron County Register of Deeds Office.  If you wish to receive fraud alerts regarding your real estate in Iron County, simply contact our office.  You will need to provide your name, email address and phone number.  Once your name has been added to the fraud alert system, if a document is recorded under the name given, you will receive an email alert.

While the program will not prevent fraud from occurring, it will alert you if a document has been recorded and provide the opportunity to take appropriate actions.